Serious About Children
We take Children's Ministry seriously at Turning Point. We take great care to provide a safe and fun environment for children of all ages to encounter the wonders of God, expand their faith, and explore their spiritual gifts.

Generation NOW!
The mantra, "Children are the next generation" has given way to an apathetic attitude concerning children and their faith. We commonly put off, until a later time, training up our children in the ways of the Lord. When we finally get around to it, we are surprised that they have been captivated by a host of other things and are no longer interested.

At Turning Point we take training up our children seriously. Our mantra is, "Children are Generation Now." We design our children's ministries to incorporate the Turning Point CITI Vision on their level. Our purpose is to teach them how to be effective and productive minister's in their generation and to make their transition into adult church a seamless one.
Guiding Purpose
One of our greatest desires is to experience multigenerational corporate worship that is marked by our common bond in the spirit and unencumbered by our age divisions.
“Teach me Your way O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. I will praise you O lord my God, with all my heart I will glorify Your name forevermore.” Psalms 86:11-12
The leaders of the First Steps embrace this verse for their own lives and serve to impart this truth to every child they have the opportunity to serve.
In the First Steps classroom the children:
- Hear stories from the word of God
- Pray for God’s guidance and intervention
- Worship God with songs and instruments
- Share with others
- Give offerings to Missions
- Develop lasting relationships
Our desire is that each child would discover from the earliest age that walking with God brings true joy and fulfillment.
A cross current is a stretch of turbulent water in a river or sea caused by one current flowing into another current.
We believe our children live in a world where absolutes have been diminished. Our children need a strong foundation of absolute faith to stand against the turbulence of their world.
The earnest desire we work towards and labor in prayer for is that our children would discover and choose to walk in the powerful flow of the Holy Spirit of God.
We believe this will give them the character, courage, and ability to stand for what is right and good as they navigate the turbulent cross currents within their generation.
We believe as they learn the truthfulness and the faithfulness of God’s word that their faith will become authentic and be marked with the boldness that only comes from the Holy Spirit.
We desire that our children play a significant redeeming role as their generation experiences a great awakening and return to the Lord.
The absolute standard that will facilitate this is the Word of God. The Word of God will be taught without compromise and modeled, to the best of our abilities, by all the leaders of Cross Current for kids.
Contact us
Contact us below for more information about our kids ministry.